
Skin Therapist by day and play!

Posts tagged Nene

Please meet my newest obsession and object of my affection, Ms. Visia.  It was love at first sight when I met Ms. Visia at the Clear Clinic.  In fact I fell so hard for her I was determined to buy her and bring her home!  Ms. Visia is one expensive biotch!   But I still love her and you should too!  If you pride yourself in practicing great skincare habits you must get a Visia analysis to really see 2 things:  1) what you need to work on with your skin  2) how great your current skincare regimen really is.
The reason I must profess my love for Ms. Visia is that she is able to see the real me!  She goes so deep in analyzing your skin she gives you a 3D powered visualization of the deep layers of your skin inclusive of surface and subsurface skin conditions.  Now you can base your skincare product choices/repurchases on the proof in the Visia picture versus pie in the sky product claims!  In short, no one can (insert NeNe voice here) “read”  you like Ms. Visia can!
You can find Ms. Visia mainly at Derm offices (please call an inquire before you go).   Also some skincare brands are catching on to the power of Ms. Visia by offering complimentary analysis with purchase like this natural  brand I just discovered at wholefoods called Mychelle.  Wherever you can seize the opportunity of a Visia Analysis take it and run with your results in hand.  Check out my baseline result pics.  As we can see I have to step my game up in the pores, texture and spot categories.  Shortly After my Visia analysis I bumped up my glycolic usage so I will be anxious to see if my efforts were worth it or not.  Till the next Skin treat!