
Skin Therapist by day and play!

This past mothers day I learned about my moms most recent beauty purchase.  My mom spent over 200 bucks for 3 battery operated anti-aging flashlights! I am trying my best to not judge this beauty treatment by its cover but from what I see so far I am not impressed in fact I am getting angry.  My fear is that my mom was swindled, a victim of a money making gimmick sold to her by a health food merchant she trusts, adores and believes in.  I am trying to remain optimistic and hope there is valid science that can justify the Bio N’ Ice product claims and price!

I clearly need to dedicate more time for my mom so I can prevent shit like this from happening but anyhow she purchased it, I Googled it and here it is via the video below.  I am interested to hear your thoughts.  I know nothing so far about this product.  I am doing further research on the product and company behind it.  I also signed up to attend the next info session on the 25th of this month.  Have any of you heard of this product, tried it? Anything ??? As I get more info I will be sure to share.  Also please pray that when I attend the info session I don’t throw this product back at the merchant while demanding every penny of my moms money back!

can’t wait to get my hands on all of these recommendations!


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If you’re the type of beauty junkie who never picks up a product without looking at the list of ingredients first, then you’ll be the first to know that hyaluronic acid is becoming one of the most popular ingredients on the market.

It’s used in several ranges of skincare to make-up products to inject moisture into the skin and to keep you looking radiant throughout the day. For the more mature lady, this mild acid is also great at acting as a type of temporary ‘smoother’ for fine lines and wrinkles.

You may have seen Caroline Hironsand other skincare fantics rave about the Hyrdaluron moisture Booster from Indeed Labs. Caroline recently spoke about this product which you can get in Boots for around £24.99 in a video which you can watch below but recently I think I’ve found something to rival this highstreet hyaluronic hero.

I recently picked…

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so true!

Sparkle Tea

depakToday I have been thinking a lot about loss. I asked several of my friends for their thoughts on this subject and they had wise words of wisdom. Some let go slowly, others use tools, symbolism to get through the hard moments. Others reflect on the impermanence of life and still others observe how life is seen in extremes of good or bad instead of just as it is. I resonate with their wisdom and am grateful for their insights.

Loss is a tricky one. We think it is all bad and painful. And it sure can be just that. But it occurs to me that the more we are attached to something, the more we feel loss with the absence of it. There are the attachments to a grandparent or life long idea that that are based out of love. But then there are some attachments that are based out of needs, or perceived…

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Raise your hand if you don’t brush or floss for months on end but still expect to have an amazing dental cleaning and amazing teeth????   SMH!  Truth is both dental cleanings and facials rely on at home care.  The more prepped your skin is walking into a facial the better the results you will get walking out of the facial.  In addition to your at home daily skincare regimen here are 5 simple tips that will ensure you get the amazing facial results you paid for.

  1. Take your Beauty Vitamins – When it comes to skin it really is an 80/20 rule.  80% internal nourishment via what you eat and 20% external nourishment via what you apply topically.  Supplementing your diet with the necessary beauty vitamins will fortify and strengthen your skin leaving it ready to receive and support an amazing facial treatment.  For great results start your beauty vitamins about a month or so before your next facial and keep taking them on a consistent basis after.

     Beauty Vitamins Rock!

    Beauty Vitamins Rock!

  2. Don’t Over Exfoliate – Follow the directions of your exfoliant and don’t get creative or excessive.  Over exfoliated skin can lead to sensitized skin.  Sensitized skin limits what your facialist can or can’t do with your skin.  Usage of prescription topicals can also limit your facialist.  Also discuss your prescription topical usage with your facialist and physician prior to your facial. Specifically you want to know how far in advance of a facial should you refrain from using your prescription topical.

     Don't over exfoliate with this angelic beauty

    Don’t over exfoliate with this angelic beauty

  3. Do over hydrate – Well-hydrated skin is a facialists dream!  It gives us a truly open playground to advance your facial treatment.  Hydrate skin is supple and moist and prepped for pretty much anything.  Go overboard with hydration by applying hydrating masques, hydrating toners and moisturizers.  Also limit the alcohol and caffeine please!

    Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!

    Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!

  4. Say no to a Full Face of Makeup – Although cleansing is a part of the facial routine, removal of your theatrical or cirque du soleil performance makeup takes more time than what a facialists allots for cleansing your skin.  More time we spend removing your mounds of war proof makeup the less time we can spend on the more important parts of the facial like exfoliating, extractions etc.

    "I'm ready for my facial!"

    “I’m ready for my facial!”

  5. Take an Instragramventory of your At Home Skincare – I know it’s hard to remember your at home skincare routine. so take a pic and show it to your facialist.  This will help your facialist in correcting skin issues and it also will guide if necessary future skincare purchases.




Please meet my newest obsession and object of my affection, Ms. Visia.  It was love at first sight when I met Ms. Visia at the Clear Clinic.  In fact I fell so hard for her I was determined to buy her and bring her home!  Ms. Visia is one expensive biotch!   But I still love her and you should too!  If you pride yourself in practicing great skincare habits you must get a Visia analysis to really see 2 things:  1) what you need to work on with your skin  2) how great your current skincare regimen really is.
The reason I must profess my love for Ms. Visia is that she is able to see the real me!  She goes so deep in analyzing your skin she gives you a 3D powered visualization of the deep layers of your skin inclusive of surface and subsurface skin conditions.  Now you can base your skincare product choices/repurchases on the proof in the Visia picture versus pie in the sky product claims!  In short, no one can (insert NeNe voice here) “read”  you like Ms. Visia can!
You can find Ms. Visia mainly at Derm offices (please call an inquire before you go).   Also some skincare brands are catching on to the power of Ms. Visia by offering complimentary analysis with purchase like this natural  brand I just discovered at wholefoods called Mychelle.  Wherever you can seize the opportunity of a Visia Analysis take it and run with your results in hand.  Check out my baseline result pics.  As we can see I have to step my game up in the pores, texture and spot categories.  Shortly After my Visia analysis I bumped up my glycolic usage so I will be anxious to see if my efforts were worth it or not.  Till the next Skin treat!


Confession alert: I secretly delayed in posting this because I am very self- conscious about my bacne pics.  But what the hell here goes everything!

Remember this question from my previous blog post –

Quick multiple-choice question: How will Renee (my name is Renee) treat her recent Bacne Breakout?

A) Dermatologist Visit

B) Lactic Acid Body Scrub

C) Glycolic Peel

D) Extractions and a Jessner Peel

E) Fraxel

F) Retin A

G) All of the Above

The answer to the above question is

G) all of the above.

Can you blame me?  Do you see how bad my bacne is?  Sigh.

I love specialists. I seek out my skincare providers based on his/her specialty.  I do this because in life and beauty, a jack of all trades is a master of none! I don’t know about you but only Masters get my Money!

Clear Clinic, a division of Schwieger Dermatology, is a medical skincare clinic solely dedicated to the treatment of Acne. Its sort of like a luxury al la carte Acne Bar filled with acne specialist producing amazing acne clearing results.  I need an acne specialist in my life so i figured I would give them a try.

When I scheduled my appointment I notified the clinic that I will blog about my experience, take pictures etc.  They obliged my demands I mean after all I am a paying customer not a freeloading blogger.   LOL I wish I was a freeloading blogger instead according to the IRS I’m a broke blogger.

My appointment was with a licensed physesthetician. Have you ever been to one of those?  Please don’t Google it I just made it up lol.  All jokes aside I saw two people during my appointment.  The appointment started with a physician assistant and ended with an esthetician.  Get it “physesthetician”?

Physician Assistant Emily Isenberg asked me about my concerns at which point I began my show and tell story about my skin and bacne.  Emily analyzed my bacne and then called in some paparazzi to take pictures of it.   Once the paparazzi left the room Emily told me her plan of approach starting with stopping the breakouts and then treating the scars.   She then presented me with my options in the following order.  My response to each option is listed in bold.

1.   Oral Prescription – 3 month trial

No thanks.  Not trying to get hooked on a script for bacne breakouts especially not before exhausting non script options.  Also the script only tackles active and future breakouts.  What about these scars?

2.   Benxyl Peroxide Topical Prescription

Once again no thanks I’ve noticed in my skin tone benzyl peroxide promotes pigmentation and uneven complexion.

3.   Glycolic Pads w/ Retin A prescription

Sounds interesting so you want me to use Retin A at night and glycolic in the day.  I wasn’t aware that was kosher.

4.   Extractions

Most definitely.  I need those badly.  Is your esthetician available to do that today?  So I assume a la carte extractions means no exfoliating the skin before and masking the skin after?  My assumption was indeed correct.

5.   Jessner Peel

Yes!!!  Now we’re talking!  Let the peeling games begin!  I learned about these in skin school.  But never had the chance to physically experience one. Can we do that today?  These peels are prescription grade peels only performed under a doctor’s supervision.

At this point I like a few of her suggestions but I really want more.  So I asked Emily about Fraxel. Emily explained to me that I would be a great candidate for the Fraxel Laser Dual.  This laser seems so awesome it smoothed acne scars while treating red/brown pigmentation. The before and after pics I saw for this laser had me sold.  How soon can we do this, where do I sign up , oh and how much?  Wellllll…WElllll…..$1500 per Fraxel Dual treatment and a minimum of 2 treatments needed making that a grand total of $3000!

God bless this woman’s patience with my inquisitive ass.  After that $3000 Fraxel bomb she dropped on me I then reverted our conversation back to the previous options she already explained in detail prior to my Fraxel request.  LOL  #brokegirlproblems

45 minutes later we had a set bacne plan that also fit my set budget.  While still in office I would get extractions and Jessner’s Peel performed by Jane Mackinnon, Licensed Esthetician.  5 days later I will begin my at home care regimen which includes the Clear Clinic Attack Back glycolic wipes in the AM and Retin A in the PM.  After about a month or so if no improvement then we will consider an oral antibiotic, stronger chemical peel, and Fraxel. Emily and Jane don’t know this but I also plan on giving myself a total body lactic acid scrub to help speed up the process and stretch my pockets.  Although the price of Fraxel is scary ultimately I plan on making the investment after summer probably sometime around September which will ensure the summer sun doesn’t damage my expensive investment.  In treating my Bacne I choose g) all of the above just not at the same damn time!



I attempted to be creative and make a pictionary-ish image relating to this blog post.  I showed it to two of my coworkers and neither of them guessed the word correctly.  So above you see the image along with correct answer below it.  Yes this post is about Bacne!

Just my luck the launch of my new blog coincides with the launch of a fresh attack of acne on my back aka BACNE.  “Ewww” said my boss when I told her of my recent medical emergency.  LOL.  Anyways when life gives you lemons you make lemonade and life gave me bacne and now you get a blog post.

As a knowledgeable skin therapist who enjoys strappy, backless,  & sexy summer attire this bacne has got to go and it has to go FAST!  Not to mention the “positive reinforcement” I received this past weekend from my father who is Jamaican and while staring at my back in my lululemon workout top he stated “luk how you back a bruck out so!” translation wow look at those nasty breakouts on your back.  Thanks dad!  Public Service announcement – Jamaicans have no filter.  Consider yourself warned!

This is not my first stint with bacne.  I’ve had bacne in highshool, thru college and a little after that.  Recently I was impressed with how well I was able to keep it under control and even manage to significantly lighten residual scarring and dark marks.  Before studying skin I treated my bacne with brushes/loofahs/body scrubs and of course all else fails good old fashioned picking.  Knowing what I know now, my approach is more strategic.  I can be more aggressive taking calculated risks to clear up this recent bacne breakout along with lightening the scarring and pigmentation. Whether you experience bacne or not you can benefit from witnessing my journey.  Consider me your educated Skincare Guiney Pig.

My assessment of the cause of the flare up comes from probably an increase in hot yoga sessions and half-n-half in my coffee.  Yoga and half-n-half are non-negotiables in my life – I’m not eliminating either rather I will alter my other habits to accommodate both.

A few disclaimers:  Don’t judge me because of my bacne!  My personal hands on experience with breakouts are one of the things that make me a dynamic skin therapist & skincare consultant.

On another note I am so over magazine/celeb/beauty bloggers preaching skincare advice sans credentials or before & after pics. As embarrassed, critical, and self-conscious I am about my skin and body I will make it a point to show you before and after pics good, bad or ugly.  It’s the least I can do for you in an overcrowded industry of instragramming skincare pushers!

Quick multiple-choice question: How will Renee (my name is Renee) treat her recent Bacne Breakout?

A) Dermatologist Visit

B) Lactic Acid Body Scrub

C) Glycolic Peel

D) Extractions and a Jessner Peel

E) Fraxel

F) Retin A

G) All of the Above

Tune in tomorrow for the answer along with detailed pics!  Thanks for reading 🙂

       10 natural ways to deal with acne that really work

(article below is reposted from

hiding acne

It’s easy to feel like you don’t have control over your breakouts. But the fact is, you do in most cases, says Mandy Epley, a master clinical facialist at Jillian Wright Clinical Skin Spa in New York, who specializes in converting challenging skin into glowing complexions.

Acne is a “tremendously embarrassing and burdensome problem” for about half of the women who book time in her Midtown treatment room. “Many attribute their acne to oily skin, food allergies, or say it’s hereditary. But none of these are absolutes,” says Epley. “Sometimes, all your body needs is the right nutritional balance and proper skin care.”

So what works? “Natural remedies can be just as effective as prescribed topical products. Possibly more powerful,” says Epley. She sees a lot of frustrated women fresh from the dermatologist with “dry, irritated, usually red, and sensitive skin.” In most cases, they just need to know more about how to use their prescriptions properly—and use way too much, she says. And they’re missing a few extra tips on what they can do in the day-to-day to try to reduce their acne.

To that end, Epley offers some easy things you can start doing today that help heal acne. (Naturally, she’s a fan of getting monthly facials to help clear and calm your skin.) And good news: You should notice a difference in your skin in about four weeks, she says. Here’s how:

facialist Mandy Epley

Clinical facialist Mandy Epley

1. Scale back on your prescriptions for acne. If you’re using prescription topical products, try using them every other day to avoid excess drying. The alternate days, use a very gentle cleanser (Epley likes Bioelements All Things Pure Cleanser) and a moisturizer for your skin type. This will help balance the skin.

2. Use an exfoliating mask. If you have moderate to severe acne, do not use a Clarisonic or any facial scrub. This can irritate inflamed acne and spread bacteria. Instead, use an exfoliating mask that doesn’t abrade the skin as it sloughs dead skin cells and helps purge pores. Dr. Alkaitis Organic Exfoliating Enzyme Mask can do the trick.

3. Eat more carrots. Vitamin A strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and actually prevents acne. It helps reduce sebum production, too.

4. Limit your dairy intake. Too much dairy can cause oil glands to kick into high gear, studies show.

5. Don’t touch the face or pick. People know not to do this, says Epley, but some may not even realize they’re doing it. If you sit in front of a computer most hours of your work days, try putting a post-it note on the side of your screen saying “Do not touch face!”

6. Add turmeric to your diet. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties that may reduce redness and inflammation of acne. It’s a good reason to order Indian food the next time you go out, or try adding this spice to your eggs or stir-fry at home, she says.

7. Cut out sugar. Limit it to once a week. Fruit is okay, but try to stick to melons and berries.Sugar is a huge culprit because it spikes your insulin, which in turn revs your hormones and the adrenal glands. So keep the sugar to one day a week and don’t eat much of it.

8. Exercise! Sweat detoxifies the skin. Plus, studies find that those who work out at least 3 days a week are more likely to choose healthier foods, she says.

9. Consider nutritional supplements. Acne can be a sign that something is nutritionally off in your diet, says Epley. Your skin depends on nutrition, and if your body isn’t receiving it, acne can result. Antioxidants like resveratrol, anti-inflammatories like omega fatty acids, and a good multivitamin can help. (You might want to check out our 7 rules for taking supplements.)

10. Clean up! Wipe your cell phone, glasses, sunglasses, keyboards, with a device-friendly anti-bacterial wipe, and launder your pillowcases weekly. It can’t hurt. —Melisse Gelula

For more information, visit